Zurich takes responsibility

In order to make Zürich one of the most sustainable destinations worldwide by 2030, Zürich Tourism strengthens all positive impacts of tourism and reduces the negative ones to a minimum.

Sustainable Destination

Excellent connections, short distances, and a strong commitment to creating a liveable city.

Top in Sustainability

Zurich is one of the most sustainable destinations in the world.

Top in Sustainability

 In international sustainability ratings, Zurich regularly occupies top positions.

Smart City Index
Position 1 out of 141
Mercer Quality of Living City Ranking
Position 2 out of 231
Arcadis Sustainable Cities Index
Position 11 out of 100
Global Destination Sustainability GDS-Index
Position 17 out of 65
Smart City Index
Position 2 out of 118


Experience Zurich Sustainably

Live, travel, or host events sustainably. That’s easy to do in Zurich.

Zurich takes responsibility

The strategy, “Zurich Takes Responsibility”, was developed in 2022 as the result of a comprehensive materiality analysis and with the involvement of all the relevant stakeholders. It has an active influence on strategic objective no. 2 of the overall business strategy, “Sustainable City Destination”. The ten ambitious focus topics are divided into three sustainability areas: economic, social, and ecological responsibility. 

With this strategy, Zürich Tourism undertakes to make the greatest possible contribution to sustainable destination development and to avoid negative impacts of tourism wherever possible, minimize unavoidable negative impacts, and instead maximize positive ones. The strategy is based on the Sustainability Policy, which identifies current and socially relevant impacts of tourism within the destination. Furthermore, the Sustainability Policy serves to ensure and implement minimum social and environmental standards in daily operations (in procurement, in the organization of events or projects, as well as in terms of business travel). Zürich Tourism reports transparently on objectives, projects, measures, and progress on a regular basis. For this purpose, a sustainability report is published annually in accordance with the standards laid down by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

Zürich Tourism would also like to inspire businesses relevant to tourism to embrace sustainability. The tip list for hotels and restaurants serves as inspiration and includes a compilation of local initiatives and projects to get involved.

Labels and Collaborations

Zürich Tourism is proud to partner with trusted sustainability labels.


Michael Müller